Comments on: US must improve copper mine permitting process, Freeport CEO says No 1 source of global mining news and opinion Tue, 19 Mar 2024 04:47:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: steve johnson Tue, 19 Mar 2024 04:47:22 +0000 I found the permitting process had morphed into a monster. I was with the USEPA and worked as a permit geologist for 25 years and found the prospective permitee had to score 100% to get anything approved and once approved, it could be rescinded apparently at a whim. Everybody insisted on signoff…federal, state and local. By the time the process was over the applicant was usually worn down. I gave up, retired and returned to the mining business in Chile. My mining friends found the same when they tried to start mines themselves. There was opposition to EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. We now offshore much of our “dirty” work in the most despicable and self serving way. Why get our land all dirty when we can dirty up somebody else. Nobody gets anything done if the permitting process requires unanimous consent everywhere. I point to Biden revoking a major pipeline permit after a green light was given. AFTER! At least we have imported 8-10 million “new workers” recently…maybe they will jump at the chance to do some work. I went to Chile myself….and even there….
