Cecilia Jamasmie , Senior Editor

Posts by Cecilia Jamasmie:

Chilean Justice gives Mitsubishi three days to answer Codelco’s demands

A Chilean civil court told Japanese Mitsubishi today that it has three working days to respond to the lawsuit filed by Codelco in the context of the conflict with Anglo American. Codelco's legal action seeks to annul the $5.39 billion deal between Anglo and Mitsubishi, after the Japanese company sold its 24.5 percent stake in Anglo American Plc’s Sur unit.

Billions of tonnes of diamonds in the galaxy suspected

Giant terrestrial planets also know as “Carbon super-Earths” that contain up to 50 per cent diamond may possibly be in the Earth's galaxy, a new study suggests. But if they exist, those planets are unlikely to have any sort of life and incapable of supporting it.

Gold still one of the best portfolio diversifiers

Gold is still the king of commodities when it comes its role as a diversifier and foundation asset in the portfolios of euro-based investors, says the new report "Gold as a strategic asset for European investors," commissioned by The World Gold Council (WGC).

Korea and Canada to boost large-scale rare earth resources mine in S. Africa

Korea Resources Corporation (KORES) has reached a definitive agreement with Canadian Frontier Rare Earths Ltd. to secure a 10 per cent interest in the Zandkopsdrift rare earth element mining project in South Africa. The contract, signed in Johannesburg on Thursday, involves an investment by KORES in both Frontier and in the large-scale rare earth element project owned by the Canadian company, along with an off-take agreement that could commit up to 31 percent of future production.

Codelco to invest over US$4 billion in 2012 as Anglo American hurries to resolve conflict

Chile's state copper giant Codelco plans to invest over US$4 billions next year to speed up the development and construction work at several new mining projects, including Ministro Hales Mine (former Mansa) in the North of the country and the expansion of El Teniente, in the South. Meanwhile, global miner Anglo American's CEO Cynthia Carroll is allegedly under pressure to resolve the ongoing dispute with Codelco as soon as possible or shareholders will demand changes at the top, the Financial Times reports today.

Global aluminum demand to slow in 2012, says top producer

Norsk Hydro, one of the world's top aluminum producers, sees growth in global aluminum demand weakening in 2012 as a result of economic turbulence that is creating a weak market and pushing many industry players into the red. In a press release, Hydro's President and CEO Svein Richard Brandtzæg showed confidence in the market and he company, despite the fact Hydro's stocks dropped 2.9 percent after the prediction.

British Churchill Mining threatens Indonesian government with arbitration

London-listed Churchill Mining Plc is threatening Indonesia to seek international arbitration, saying that the company was unlawfully deprived of a US$1.8 billion coal discovery in the jungles of Borneo Island. The East Kutai project is a huge resource with a JORC compliant estimate of 2.7 billion tonnes of coal, acquired by Churchill in 2007 through an acquisition of a 75% stake in Indonesian group Ridlatama.

Experts urge Canada to follow New York’s “no fracking way” example

Expert from Cornell University, said that authorities should wait for results of the several ongoing studies on health and environmental dangers of fracking before granting rights to mining companies. In a talk given last night in New Brunswick, Canada, Dr. Ingraffea, said that one of the biggest problems of fracking is the failure of wells, which allowes methane gas to escape, polluting drinking water and entering the atmosphere.
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Volta Metals to dig deep into fresh lithium discoveries

The Canadian explorer has launched a structural targeting study at is Falcon West lithium property in Ontario.