Cecilia Jamasmie , Senior Editor

Posts by Cecilia Jamasmie:

Codelco starts new legal actions against Anglo amid accusations of generating an “artificial dispute”

The legal battle between Codelco and Anglo American is escalating. Yesterday, Chile’s state-owned copper company lodged a so-called pre-judicial preparatory measure in the 17th Civil Court of Santiago, seeking details of Mitsubishi’s purchase of a 24.5 percent stake announced on Nov. 9. The measure aims to ultimately annul the $5.39 billion deal between Anglo and Mitsubishi. While this was happening, London-based miner filed a legal action to annul Codelco’s “protection petition” presented Nov.14, which prevents Anglo from keep selling part of its assets.

Australian gold producer BCD Resources closing its Beaconsfield underground gold mine next year

Australian gold producer, BCD Resources has announced that it will close its Beaconsfield underground gold mine next year as today's gold price it is not viable to mine below the current depth of 1210 metres, said CEO Peter Thompson. The announcement comes nearly a year after the mine retrenched close to 100 workers in an attempt to make it profitable. Currently, over 150 people work in the mine, 103 of them being full-time employees, as well as 16 casuals and 32 contractors.

Australian mining investments reach historic record

Australia's total investment in mining industry soared by a third in the past six months to a record $231.8 billion, according to the Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics latest Mining Industry Major Projects - October 2011 report. The study, issued today, includes a record 102 projects at an advanced stage of development, including 40 minerals projects, 37 energy projects, 21 infrastructure projects and four mineral processing projects.

Farmer’s legal battle against coal company intensifies

Australian landowner Ian Moore has taken to court his battle against coal company NuCoal, which wants access to drill three boreholes on his property north of Sydney for its proposed Doyle’s Creek mine. Moore says he opposed the operations because of the potential damage it could cause to underground water supplies and because he is legally blind and relies on a visual memory of his property to farm, which the drilling operations and bore holes could hinder. The beef farmer has been backed up by locals, who fear their property could be next.

China to get rid of small gold mining companies

China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) is drafting new standards for the gold industry which will raise the entry barriers and it will force companies with daily gold processing capacity of less than 50 tons to shut down. Citing unidentified sources who attended a national gold mining conference, the industry ministry is drawing up a blueprint to better regulate gold miners, such as shutting mines with a daily gold processing capacity of below 100 tonnes and halting approvals for small ore processing companies. China, the world's largest bullion producer, currently has no limits on gold production and production is determined by the gold producers.

China secures major second stake in Canadian oil sands with a Cd$2.1 billion deal

Chinese energy giant China National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC) took over oil sands operator Opti Canada Inc. (TSXV:OPC) today in a deal valued at Cd$2.1 billion. This acquisition gives China's top offshore oil company its second stake in a Canadian oil sands property. With the close, reports Reuters, CNOOC gains a 35 percent stake in the troubled Long Lake oil sands project, which operates well below its 72,000 barrels per day capacity as operator Nexen Inc (NXY.TO) works to overcome problems with the C$6.1 billion project's reservoir.

Chevron suspended in Brazil over oil spill

Brazil has temporarily banned Chevron from drilling in the country after it caused an oil spill off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, raising doubts about the company’s role in one of the industry’s biggest investment programmes. Late on Wednesday, Brazil’s National Petroleum Agency (ANP) accused the U.S. company of negligence late on Wednesday, announcing it would suspend all of Chevron’s drilling until it clarified the reasons for a spill that released almost 3,000 barrels of oil into the sea earlier this month. Analysts believe that the Brazilian government is keen to make an example of Chevron as a warning to other foreign companies looking to take a share of Brazil’s pre-salt reserves, which are estimated to contain as much as 50bn barrels of oil.
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Volta Metals to dig deep into fresh lithium discoveries

The Canadian explorer has launched a structural targeting study at is Falcon West lithium property in Ontario.