RPM releases latest version of an industry icon

BRISBANE, Australia (May 20, 2013) – RungePincockMinarco (RPM) has released the latest version of an industry icon with TALPAC 10.2.1 and has committed to ongoing TALPAC development through its latest release.

Alun Philips, Product Manager – Mine Planning said, “TALPAC is one of our most popular software products and has been become an industry icon.”

“If you have an open pit mine and a haulage fleet, good chance you have a copy of TALPAC.

“The shifting focus from production at any cost to efficient production also means TALPAC is more relevant than ever.

“As an equipment productivity simulator, TALPAC’s proven logic lets you model real haulage situations, letting you study the measurable factors that affect productivity and how your fleet will react to them.

“It has the industry’s most comprehensive equipment database that is updated regularly, directly from the latest manufacturer specifications.

“TALPAC helps mine planners work out the ideal size of their fleet and decipher which pieces of equipment are most compatible.

“The latest release sees a lot of work behind the scenes, many of which are focused on ensuring that TALPAC continues to be compatible with the constantly changing IT environments of our clients, including new operating systems such as Windows 8 which is now supported.”

Mr. Philips went on to talk about the TALPAC family of products, saying, “As the industry’s respected name in equipment productivity simulation, we’ve welcomed two new products into the TALPAC family this year.”

“HAULNET and Underground Coal TALPAC are the latest members of the TALPAC family, each helping mines to simulate equipment productivity to validate their plans and ensure they are achievable in practice.”