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Workshop: Geology at different education levels in Europe

The annual meeting of the European Federation of Geologists will be held in May 2011 at Budapest and is accompanied by a workshop on May 19, 2011 on the subject of education in the area of geology. Both oral and poster presentations concerning any educational level are expected. The main achievements of the Euro-Ages project ( will also be presented during the workshop. Furthermore, a fieldtrip to the Balaton Lake and the Bakony-Balaton Geopark will be proposed on 20 May. The area of the catastrophic red sludge spill will also be visited. For more information please contact the coordinator Eva Hartai at

Mining 101 workshop in Sydney and Perth

Join the Mining 101 workshop to gain a comprehensive but straightforward (no jargon) explanation of what the mining industry is, and how it works.

Mining 101 is aimed at people working in associated sectors (the financial community, lawyers, PR companies, equipment manufacturers, service providers, etc) who would benefit from an overview of mining, and be in a better position as a result to develop more business opportunities.

Sydney: Tuesday May 31st 2011, Radisson Paza Hotel
Perth: Tuesday June 14th 2011, Pan Pacific Hotel

Company training up truck drivers

ONE hundred and fifty kilometres from the nearest mine site, potential operators are learning the nuts and bolts of driving giant CAT haul trucks.

Familiarising themselves with the machine, feeling what it’s like to carry a 200-tonne load of dirt or coal, hearing the rumble of the engine and sound of the horns, interacting with other vehicles and experiencing potentially deadly situations – all this is happening not on a mine site in a $4 million truck, but here in Mackay.

Mackay company Global Mining Simulator Academy (GMSA) is leading the way with advanced training for inexperienced drivers, looking to get into the mining industry with the Immersive Technologies Advanced Equipment Simulator PRO 3.

Queensland University Develops Green Technology for Mine Sites

The University of Queensland (UQ) has developed a new technology to support plant growth at mine sites previously unable to support any vegetation due to heavy metal soil contamination.

With financial support from Xstrata Technology, MetalloTek will manage further development and commercialisation of the technology in partnership with industry stakeholders.

MetalloTek's lead researcher said the new technology had the potential to be a low-cost and effective tool for helping rehabilitate metal-contaminated mine sites.

Endeavour Silver Mines Posts Educational Video on Silver Mining

Here at Endeavour Silver we've learned that our shareholders and investors appreciate educational tools; something to help them understand their investments in silver a bit better. In the past we've produced two brochures that are available both electronically and in hard copy. They're called "Silver Fundamentals- Supply & Demand" and "Silver Facts & History" and they are very popular with the public. For years, they have consistently been the most downloaded files on our website.

To further this educational process, we decided to produce a series of videos. The first one is now finished and it's titled "How Silver is Mined". It was a bit long so we ended up dividing it into two parts, both are about seven minutes long. In the link below is Part 1 and we'll be distributing Part 2 next Wednesday, March 23rd.